If the Planning Board determines, after discussion and analysis provoked by Section 9.2.4, that the location is best suited for subdivision under a conventional subdivision design, the Planning Board shall so inform the applicant and the applicant may then proceed to design a subdivision plan under the provisions of the Subdivision Control Law and the Manchester-by-the-Sea Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land (Subdivision Rules and Regulations) and the provisions of this section shall not apply. This By-Law permits the construction of accessory dwelling units in Single Residence Districts A, B, C, and E in order to meet the following objectives: (a) To facilitate the availability of suitable private housing for moderate and lower income, elderly and younger citizens of the Town while preserving the existing character of single family districts. The applicant shall maintain the WECF in good condition and shall schedule inspections by a competent professional at least once every twelve (12) months or more often, pursuant to industry standards and practice. The fourth step is to locate building sites, streets, parking areas, paths and other built features of the development. 1. 8. 1. Please place at curb same day as regular trash pick up (Wednesday). Common driveways shall be built in accordance with the following standards: These standards may be waived when, in the opinion of the Planning Board, such action is in the public interest and not inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning By-Law and these design standards. [Amended 2001]. All yard waste and limbs should be placed at your regular point of pickup. The maintenance schedule in the Maintenance Agreement may be amended to achieve the purposes of this by-law by mutual agreement of the Planning Board and the Responsible Parties. 6.1. Codify in its strict interpretation means to put into a code, systematize, and classify. Valuable information about the application process. The purpose of this conference is to inform the Planning Board as to the nature of the proposed WECF. If any such objection is received, the Special Permit Granting Authorityshall hold a public hearing on the renewal request and shall proceed ina manner consistent with the proceedings required for an original application. 9.4.9 Maximum Incomes and Selling Prices: Initial Sale. Any other information requested by the Planning Board. 9. c. 40A, 9, may be granted by the Planning Board to exempt a location from the requirements of this By-Law, provided that the applicant demonstrates that the Ground and Surface Water Resource Overlay Protection District Maps incorrectly identify the location as being within the Ground and Surface Water Resource Overlay Protection District. (Community Emergency Response Team), Assessment and Collection (Tax & Water payments), Communications and Civic Engagement Office, C.E.R.T. Starting or Expanding a Business in Manchester Zoning Enforcement The Zoning Enforcement Office determines whether proposed uses of land are permitted at the location described, provides guidance for the location of buildings (from malls to tool sheds) and assists in the enforcement If special circumstances arise please contact the Manchester Police Department 410-239-6900 or the Town of Manchester Office with your request. [Added 1982] (See 6.2.5), 5.4 Minimum Area and Dimensional Requirements. The proposed use of the open space shall be specified in the application. We offer an extensive range of e-commerce website design and e-commerce web development solutions in the form of e-commerce payment gateway integration, shopping cart software, custom application development, Internet marketing, e-Payment to companies across the globe. That portion of the Setback Area of a lot between the lines delimiting its minimum side building setbacks from its front exterior boundaries to the line delimiting its minimum front building setback, all as so prescribed, is the Central Front Setback Area; and the remaining portion of the Setback Area is the Side/Rear Setback Area. For the purposes of interpretation of the Zoning Map, the following shall apply: 3.3.1 Boundaries which appear to follow streets, railroads, wood roads or brooks shall coincide with the center line thereof. DISTRICT BY STRUCTURES MAXIMUM % LOT, COVERAGE BY STRUCTURES AND. The purpose of the Zoning Code is to regulate and control the zoning and the use of 6.3. The Planning Board may require, prior to accepting land as satisfaction of the requirements of this Bylaw, that the applicant submit appraisals of the land in question, as well as other data relevant to the determination of equivalent value; (d) For non-rental affordable housing units, a cash payment to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund may be made subject to Section 9.4.11 of this Bylaw. Failure to comply with the Rental Housing Licensing requirements of the Town Code constitutes a municipal infraction, subject to fines and penalties set forth in the Town of Manchester Code. It is bounded by the groundwater divides, which result from pumping the well, and by the contact of the aquifer with less permeable materials such as till or bedrock. This includes fire pits or barrels that are not enclosed. An individual or family with household incomes that do not exceed 80% of the median income, with adjustments for household size, as reported by the most recent information from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and/or the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). The Zoning Enforcement Notice shall be provided of hearings in accordance with Chapter 40A, sec. Plans and reports from the Redevelopment Agency. We offer support for economic development activity, business relocation and expansion and job growth in the Town of Manchester. Minimize the total amount of disturbance on the site. The permit process consists of three steps: See calendar of events for yard waste and tree limb collection dates. 9/26/2006. As a condition of the grant of any special permit for a RCC Development containing six (6) or more lots or dwelling units, the Planning Board shall ensure compliance with the. Loss of annual recharge to groundwater should be minimized through the use of infiltration measures to the maximum extent practicable. Administration and Procedures, ALERT: January 12, 2023 The Tide Weekly Update, Replace Existing with Updated Sections 1) Authority and Purpose 2) Definitions 3) Establishment of Districts 4) Use Regulations. No plan shall be approved unless the Planning Board, following its public hearing and consultation with the Fire Chief, Department of Public Works and Selectmen, determines that access to public or private ways affected by the development will be adequate in light of the anticipated traffic. The new Senior Housing provision is intended to encourage the development of assisted living and long-term car for seniors and to create health care, housing and other supportive services for our senior population. Regulation of discharges to the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) is necessary for the protection of the Town of Manchester-by-the-Seas water bodies and groundwater, and to safeguard the public health, safety, welfare and the environment. Open space may be in more than one parcel provided that the size, shape and. 7.0 Administration (TO BE MOVED FROM SECTION 7 TO A NEW SECTION 12). Clean-up shall commence immediately upon discovery of the spill. At completion of the project the permittee shall submit as-built record drawings of all structural stormwater controls and best management treatment practices required for the site. The O&M Plan shall include: 1. 5. If any Regulated Substances are stored on the construction site during the construction process, they shall be stored in a location and manner that will minimize any possible risk of release to the environment. It is presumed that this standard is met when: a. suitable nonstructural practices for source control and pollution prevention are implemented;b. stormwater management best management practices (BMPs) are sized to capture the prescribed runoff volume; and. The sq. The term "building" shall be construed where applicable as if followed by the words "or portion thereof". At least half of the required open space may be. less than 50 feet of frontage and provided further that such frontage reduction shall apply only to lots fronting on proposed internal roadways. The construction and operation of LGSPI shall be consistent with all applicable local, state and federal requirements, including but not limited to all applicable safety, environmental, Wetlands Protection Act, construction, electrical, and communications requirements. ft. of gross sales or service floor area 1, 100 sq. Setbacks: Provided that no objection to the contrary is raised by the Fire, Department, the Planning Board may reduce by up to one-half the setbacks, otherwise required by the Zoning Bylaw if the Board finds that such reduction will result in better design, improved protection of natural and scenic resources, and will otherwise comply with this Bylaw. 3.3.3 Boundaries which appear to run parallel to the sidelines of streets shall be regarded as parallel to such lines. [amended 2005]. of threat to water quality which would result if the control measures failed. Reasonable efforts, as determined by the SPAA, shall be made to place all utility connections from the LGSPI underground, depending on appropriate soil conditions, shape, and topography of the site and any requirements of the utility provider. The Flood Control District will consist of those areas designated as A1, A2 and B1 in Figure 8 of a report prepared for the Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea by the consulting firm of Camp, Dresser and McKee entitled "Storm Drainage Improvements for the Bennett's Brook Drainage Area" dated October, 1971. Adopt wetlands/watercourse boundaries and regulations; hear and decide on applications for work involving regulated activities in wetlands or watercourses; hear and decide on petitions to change regulations or boundaries. The Board of Appeals may not grant a variance authorizing a use or activity not otherwise permitted in the district in which land or structure is located, except that this limitation shall not apply to land or structures located in the Limited Commercial District or General District. It is intended that the affordable housing units that result from this Bylaw be considered as Local Initiative Program (LIP) dwelling units in compliance with the requirements for the same as specified by the Department of Community Affairs, Division of Housing and Community Development and that said units count toward the Towns requirements under G. L. c. 40B sec. Any alteration of, lot lines or layout of ways shall require approval of the Planning Board and shall, be in compliance with the requirements of the RCC Development Bylaw and the, (c) Time Limit: A special permit is granted for a period of two years from the date, of its approval and shall lapse if substantial use or construction has not. Special, permits shall be granted only in conformance with this By-Law, Section. 1. The provisions of Section 9.4 of the Zoning Bylaw will be met. 1. Use - Unit of Measure Number of Off-Street, One dwelling unit 2, Two dwelling units 3, Three dwelling units 5, Four dwelling units 6. Residents are reminded that grass and weeds are NOT TO EXCEED 12 IN HEIGHT. b. The conversion of a structure existing on the lot as of May 6, 1991, that does not involve any increase in the size, height or volume of the structure, including the construction of exterior stairways, porches, patios or decks, shall not require a special permit. Approval of the Stormwater Management Special Permit Application subject to any conditions, modifications or restrictions required by the Planning Board which will ensure that the project meets the Standards in Section 6.15.7 and Section 7.5 of this By-law and adequately protects water resources, set forth in this Section 6.15; 3. No illuminated sign of any kind shall be permitted in a Residence District. Building Regulations. It has also been designated the Inland Wetlands Agency and the Aquifer Protection Agency. Permanent Restriction: In any case when open space is not conveyed to the Town, a permanent conservation or agricultural preservation restriction, in accordance with G. L. c. 184 sec. The LGSPI owner and/or operator shall maintain the facility in good and safe working condition, and shall schedule inspections by a competent professional at least once every twelve (12) months or more often, pursuant to industry standards and practice. The Board shall not issue a permit unless it finds that such vehicle on said premises will not constitute a hazard to the safety or welfare of the inhabitants of the Town nor will otherwise nullify or substantially derogate from the intent or purpose of this By-Law. Pursuant to the site plan review process, the project proponent shall provide the following documents: i. The owner of an LGSPI approved in accordance with this By-Law shall provide to the Town, acting by and through the SPAA, security to cover the cost of removal in the event the Town must remove the LGSPI and remediate the landscape. c. 41, 81L, 81P, 81S, and 81U, or residential development on lots less than 80,000 square feet of land area containing at least 200 feet of lot width and 150 feet of lot frontage. Resale price Sales beyond the initial sale to a qualified affordable income. In the R10,000 and R7,500 residential districts and BL Business Local District the maximum total area of all accessory buildings or structures shall not cover more than 75% of the rear yard. In a single Residence District no building or land shall be used and no building shall be erected or altered which is intended or designed to be used for any purpose except one or more of the following: 4.1.1 A dwelling having not more than one dwelling unit. Upon receipt of the Planning Boards written decision regarding said plan, the applicant may submit a Definitive Subdivision/ RCC Development plan in accordance with the Planning Boards written decision. The Planning Board shall require adequate legal safeguards and covenants that such facilities shall be adequately maintained by the lot owners within the development. Authority, Adoption & Applicability, 2. Disapproval of the Stormwater Management Special Permit Application based upon a determination that the proposed plan, as submitted, does not meet the Standards in Section 6.15.7, Section 7.5 of this By-Law or adequately protect water resources, as required herein. 8. The SPAA. development referred to in Section 9.2, require that the applicant for special permit approval complies with the obligation to provide affordable housing pursuant to this Bylaw and more fully described in Section 9.4.5. Restrictions shall provide for periodic inspection of the open space by the Town. 9.3 Blank [Previous section 6.8 renumbered and deleted 2021], 9.4 Inclusionary Housing [Added 2005], The purpose of this Bylaw isto outline and implement a coherent set of policies and. The Board of Appeals, also known as the Zoning Board of Appeals, shall consist of five regular members and two associate members appointed by the Board of Selectmen for three year terms. a)Assessors map and lot number of subject property; b)Zoning district designation for the subject parcel; c)Locus Map to scale showing the lot lines of the subject property and all properties within thirteen hundred (1300) feet of the property lines, as well as the location of all buildings, including accessory structures, on all properties shown. The maximum total area of all accessory buildings or structures shall not exceed 1,500 square feet. The existing and proposed vegetation and ground surfaces with runoff coefficient for each. (b) Within Zone II and Zone III only, residential approval not required (ANR) land divisions, subdivisions, pursuant to M.G.L. A structure having a roof (including an awning or similar covering) adapted to permanent or continuous occupancy for assembly, business, education, industrial, institutional, residential or storage purposes. Location of Development Areas. c. 128, 64, unless such storage is within a structure designed to prevent the generation and escape of contaminated runoff or leachate. If erected on a corner lot, fences must meet certain height and distance requirements. The final step is to draw the lot lines. The Manchester Planning Commission proposes the attached Manchester Land Use & Development Ordinance to replace the current ordinance adopted by the Selectboard on December 16, 2015. In reviewing an application under this Bylaw, the Planning Board shall rely, to the extent. Owner: A person with a legal or equitable interest in property. In the current Zoning Bylaw, the same information is found within paragraphs of text and is not consistent in order or language. Off-street parking spaces shall be designed with minimum dimensions of 9 feet by 20 feet. Zoning permits are required for any change of use and almost all building and renovation work, including accessory structures such as fences and shed installations. Except as expressly provided in section (employee), not more than one dwelling shall be built or maintained on a lot. (f) Alterations and Expansion: The SPGA shall be notified in writing prior to the expansion, alteration or modification of an activity holding a Special Permit under this By-Law. Monday, November 14, 2022Place: Manchester Essex Regional High SchoolTime: 6:30 PMTown Meeting Warrant, (*please confirm with Town Calendar when close to meeting date)Monday, October 24 at 6:30 PM: Regular PB Meeting Hybrid: Zoom and Room 5Monday, November 7 at 6:30 PM: Regular PB Meeting Hybrid: Zoom and Room 5Monday, November 14: Special Fall Town Meeting. Responsible Parties shall include owner(s), persons with financial responsibility, and persons with operational responsibility. Wave run-up as defined by the elevation of the one year flood surge (Stillwater) as noted under section 404, shall be incorporated in to those elevations within V zones. 81T. c. 21C and 310 CMR 30.000, except for the following: (1) very small quantity generators, as defined by 310 CMR 30.00; (2) household hazardous waste collection centers or events operated pursuant to 310 CMR 30.390; (3) waste oil retention facilities required by M.G.L. FOR THE CITY OF MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE Adopted February 7, 2001 Amended through October 6, 2020 AMENDMENTS SUBSEQUENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ADOPTION DATE OF FEBRUARY 7, 2001: March 20, 2001- Article 8 - Section 8.05 Multi-family dwelling units for the elderly; subsection C each. 1272 County Road 7, Clifton Springs, New York 14432, United States. This is a current, two year initiative aimed at increasing vibrancy and economic opportunity Downtown. This inspection shall also evaluate the effectiveness of the system in an actual storm. E. As applicable, the Proposed Operations and Maintenance Manual for the Medical Marijuana Treatment Center demonstrating compliance with all requirementsof 105 CMR 725.110, "Security Requirements for Registered MarijuanaDispensaries," including but not limited to procedures for limiting access to the facility to persons authorized under 105 CMR 725.110(A);and procedures for transport of Marijuana and/or MIPs as providedunder 105 CMR 725.110(E). [Added 2012}, 10.2.3 Notification of Watercourse Alteration. 410-374-6467.See calendar of events for brush pick up dates. Prohibited uses in Zone I, Zone II, and Zone III, and Zone A, Zone B, and Zone C: (b) Automobile graveyards and junkyards, as defined in M.G.L. WECFs under these Sections 11.2 and 4.4 shall be allowed only in the LCD, and then only upon issuance of a special permit by the Planning Board in accordance with the requirements of the Zoning By-law, including those requirements set forth in Sections 5.7, 5.10, and 7.5, irrespective of whether the use is a principal or accessory use. Clearing of natural vegetation shall be limited to what is necessary for the construction, operation and maintenance of the LGSPI or otherwise prescribed by applicable laws, regulations, and bylaws. Management Consulting Company. The applicant shall submit such material as may be required regarding the projected traffic-flow patterns into and upon the site for both vehicles and pedestrians and an estimation of the projected number of motor vehicle trips to and from the site for an average day and for peak hours. Any existing facility with such a drainage system shall be required to either seal the floor drain (in accordance with the state plumbing code, 248 CMR 2.00), connect the drain to a municipal sewer system (with all appropriate permits and pre-treatment), or connect the drain to a holding tank meeting the requirements of all appropriate DEP regulations and policies. If the permittee fails to act the Town may use the surety bond to complete the work. The designation of the Ground and Surface Water Resource Overlay Protection Districts and careful regulation of development activities within these districts can reduce the potential for ground and surface water contamination. (d) Accidental spills and discharges of toxic and hazardous materials have threatened the quality of such water supplies posing public health and safety hazards. Minimum design and construction standards for affordable units Affordable, housing units within market rate developments shall be integrated with the rest of, the development and shall be compatible in design, appearance, construction and. The Zoning By-Law of the Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea is adopted pursuant to and under the authority of Chapter 40A of the General Laws as amended by Chapter 808 of the Acts of 1975, The Zoning Act. Distances, at grade, from the proposed WECF to each building on the site plan shall be shown; c) Proposed location of WECF, including all turbines, fencing, associated ground equipment, transmission infrastructure and access roads. The Special Permit shall remain in effect until the conclusion of the public hearing and decision of the Special Permit Granting Authority eithergranting or denying the Special Permit renewal request. The penalty for violation shall be $50 for the initial offense and $100 for each repeat offense. Safeguards: Provisions shall be made to protect against toxic or hazardous materials discharge or loss resulting from corrosion, accidental damage, spillage or vandalism through measures such as: prohibition of underground fuel storage tanks; spill control provisions in the vicinity of chemical or fuel delivery points; secured storage areas for toxic or hazardous materials; and indoor storage provisions for corrodible or dissolvable materials. access for visual inspection (e.g., cement-floored basement), and sheltered to prevent the intrusion of precipitation. Shall also evaluate the effectiveness of the system in an actual storm groundwater should be at! 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